Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about health services? We are here to help. If you don't find the answer you're looking for below, please contact us.
How do I book an appointment?
You can now book all of your appointments online. Our physicians are fully booked with patients. We are not able to accept walk-ins at this time. Please go to your nearest urgent care if you need a walk-in appointment.
Does it matter if I don’t have a family doctor?
Not at all. The doctors at Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics can serve all patients, even out-of-province/country visitors.
Can doctors at the Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics access my medical records so they can understand my medical history?
Yes, each clinic location uses an electronic medical record system (EMR), and is accessible by all physicians at each of our clinic locations.
Can I get a referral to a specialist if that’s what I need?
Yes, we may even have the Specialist you need to see, on staff. If we don’t our doctors will refer you to any specialist that you require.
I need a refill on my medication. Can I do this over the phone or by fax?
We require you to visit with one of our Doctors to renew a prescription but now with our new online platform, you can have the appointment from home. You can arrange that appointment here.
How long will it take to get my referral/specialist appointment?
All specialists are different. Any referrals initiated at Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics are faxed to the corresponding specialist within two business days of your doctor’s visit.
If I’ve been to one of the Care Point clinics, can I go to another Care Point location to see a doctor?
We are currently working on rolling out a single EMR to all locations and estimate this to be complete by the end of 2025.